Virtual Granny Hexi Cardigan MAL Coach & Connect
Here is an opportunity to sit n stitch with Rebecca and Liz from anywhere, and ask Rebecca questions related to the Make a Long (MAL)in April & May! See the details for the Granny Hexi Cardigan below.
This will be an opportunity to not only spend time with Sun Dragon from wherever you are, but get advice, ask to see techniques, and more in real time! We may not be able to diagnose individual problems due to the nature of a virtual setting, but we will do our best to show you what we can on our end and help you out. We do not intend to record these as we do lecture series, they are more informal, and any knitting-related talk/questions will directly pertain to the MAL (we have a free sit n stitch on zoom on Tuesdays for general questions and hang out time!)
We will be having 4 Virtual Coach & Connect sessions on Zoom, you will get the access code/link with the purchase of this Sit n Stitch. It's a great value at $10/session (the price does not change as the MAL continues). These gatherings are all Saturday evenings (US Eastern). The schedule for the Granny Hexi Cardigan MAL is as follows:
April 5, 6:30-7:30
April 19, 6:30-7:30
May 3, 6:30-7:30
May 17, 6:30-7:30
Choose "Virtual class" from the shipping options, which should open it up to anyone anywhere (we only ship within the US)
Looking forward to talking about and sharing all of our Granny Hexi Cardigan projects!
The Granny Hexagon Cardi is a super fun crochet project that can be made with any weight yarn and corresponding hook, and can be made over and over with unique results! We will be using the pattern by Kelly Phelps, though many have published variations on this pattern. Knowing how to double crochet is a bonus, though not technically required for this MAL. If you’ve never crocheted you may want to take our intro crochet class first or look at my intro crochet videos.